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  • Ikuro Shimizu

The 36th meeting of culture and society of Highlanders in Thailand

This project will be held with significant changes in content in light of the torrential rains and flooding that have hit mainland Southeast Asia, including Chiang Rai.

Our local representative, Takashi Miwa, is currently preparing to travel to the area to assess the damage to the Sakura Project facilities and assist with recovery efforts. Therefore, we will be connecting with the local community online, and some of the programs will be switched to providing information from the local community.

DATE 19th, Oct. 1:00PM-5:00PM

VENUE 402 room, Toyosu

1:00 Greetings from Shimizu (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan Office)

1:10 Lisa Okawa (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Graduate School) "Report on my visit to Chiang Rai"

1:30 Takashi Miwa "The Current Status of damage by massive flooding"

3:10 Coffee Break

3:40 Takashi Miwa "The Current Status of damage by massive flooding"

4:20 Shigeru Kazama (Japan Office) Accounting Report, etc.

Reception: 2F Co-op Cafeteria 5:00PM-7:00PM fee 2500 yen

Any surplus from the banquet fee will be given to Representative Miwa as a restoration grant to Sakura.

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